Friday, August 6, 2010

A WTF?! In Recent News

Every now and then, news and political junkies like myself get
a bit overwhelmed. Usually, we can handle the gossip, morsels
of info
and innuendos coming at us full throttle, courtesy of the
media. Yet, there are times when it is all that we
can do to grab
a Vicodin, pour some Vodka and Cran and tell
ourselves to ever-so-slowly back away from the machine.

It has been like that lately.

First of all, former Governor Sarah Palin has the reasoning
capability of a bowl of cottage cheese. She was featured on an
interview where she expressed her belief that the President
is in "way over his head". I don't normally repeat my thoughts
on here (in succession, anyway), but this is worth it, italics,
underlining and bold: Sarah Palin said that Barack
Obama is in "way over his head". Speaking of heads,
did Sarah Palin fall and hit hers on something?! Does anyone
remember the debates that showcased her massive case of
idiocy? How soon she forgets interviews
with Katie Couric
and Charlie Gibson, journalists whose
composures were
challenged when they probably realized that
their interviewee
had about as much ability to think on her
feet as Larry Craig's
restraint in a men's room. I apologize for my nastiness, but

had John McCain or John Kerry or hell, even George W. Bush

made the comment, I would've understood. But Sarah Palin?!

God help us.

We're getting another single, dowdy, questionably Lesbian and
safely Liberal Judge on the Supreme Court. I like Elena Kagan
in the same manner that I like most women who look at male-
dominated systems and say "Screw you, I'm coming in." So what
if she had no experience as a Judge? William Rehnquist didn't in
1971, but that didn't stop Republicans from confirming him
when Nixon tossed him a bone. Personally, I'm just thrilled that
we have more liberal combatants to John Roberts and Samuel
Alito. John Roberts. Ugh. Like a struggling student, he should
continue to practice the oath of office over and over again until
he gets it right.

In other news, I raise my vodka and cranberry to Judge Vaughn
Walker, who displayed some much-needed, often-elusive
American common sense last week:

"Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational
basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians
for denial of a
marriage license. Indeed, the
evidence shows
Proposition 8 does nothing
more than enshrine in
the California Constitution
the notion that opposite-
sex couples are superior
to same-sex couples..."

While I wouldn't dare use any words to
diminish the eloquent
and judicially-sensical opinion of Judge Walker, I would've
added the following, had I been the one to decide the case:


It should come as no surprise to any rational, intelligent mind
that Proposition 8 was ruled unconstitutional. The Christian
religion, by name, is NOT in the United States Constitution.
The Bible, just so we're clear, is NOT the same thing as the Bill
of Rights. Therefore, telling a group of citizens that they are
not entitled to same legally-protected institution that a
majority of the country enjoys (or tolerates) because they
happen to be two men or two NOT legal. By the way,
I find something very humorous about this historic decision:
Judge Walker was originally nominated by President Reagan
and later re-nominated by President George H.W. Bush.

Listen. Shhh. Do you hear that?

I hear a former Hollywood star-turned-politician turning over
in his grave.